Every parent within the school is automatically a member of the Parents and Friends Association. The P & F are an important and integral part of the school. The 2023 Executive Committee is:
President: Mr Beau Frame
Vice President: Mr Matt McLane
Secretary: Ms Natalie Porter
Treasurer: Mrs Laura Noble
The job of the P & F Association is varied, but include many of the following activities:

Campdrafts, race meetings and trivia nights – anything that brings parents together for a fun time and to get to know other parents and form community.
Three areas which overlap are resourcing, financing and fundraising. Whilst they go together there are some separate activities which could be spelt out eg Resourcing – providing ‘things’ for classrooms or the whole school generally (books, art supplies, desks, shade sails, music equipment etc), Financing – Pay for buses to take students to activities or camps etc., fund extra music or choir lessons etc., Fundraising – fetes, art shows, Mothers’ or Fathers’ day stalls etc.

Pastoral activities are very important part of community – these might include a food or clothing bank to assist families with disruptions eg Births, deaths, illness, lifts to school in some cases, sending sympathy cards where appropriate etc.
The Environment of your school is also an area where parents often contribute eg Working bees, Painting, Sandpits etc.

The most important activities are those that involve parents in the curriculum and learning and teaching at the school. This might involve participation in discussions about these areas but also providing parent information or education evening where parents can spend time learning about what their children are doing at school and having some input into the decisions that are made.