Homework at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Blackall means different things to different people. In principle, homework is about school and parents working together as a team to provide a balanced framework for each child to experience diverse experiences as part of their healthy family life.
At St. Joseph’s we define homework as the completion, outside of normal school hours, of meaningful and worthwhile practical life skills, fitness, health, cultural, spiritual and academic learning experiences for our children. A broad range of age appropriate activities are proposed for children in each year level.
It is acknowledged that there is a need to achieve balance between work, play and family activities. Homework is designed to contribute to positive family relationships and healthy living.
Click the button below to download the homework policy.
There are formal reports to be given to parents at the end of each semester.
Parents are encouraged to attend formal Parent/Teacher interviews at the end of Term 1 and informally at the end of Term 3. If parents don’t make an appointment, teachers may contact the parents requesting an appointment in person or over the phone.
At St Joseph’s, we encourage parents/carers to maintain open communication with our teaching staff. Parents/carers are encouraged to make an appointment with the class teacher at any time to discuss their child’s progress or concerns.